It’s just 4 easy steps to a great gift!

1. Download

Immediately after payment you can download your template to your computer. Download links are also sent directly to your email.

2. Personalize

Open your template in the free Adobe Reader on your computer or laptop (don’t use your mobile!) and type over my sample text. All fonts are embedded in the file!

3. Print

Print on your home color printer, or at your local copy shop, on 8.5 x 11 inch (or A4 sized) bright white paper or cardstock.

4. Cut

Cut out your design using the provided cut lines as a guide. Some designs (coupon books & prescription labels) need to be assembled with double-sided tape or staples.

Easy to edit templates

Printable Birthday Boarding Pass Gift Ticket template | Gold Glitter | Surprise Trip, Flight Getaway, Holiday, Vacation | Faux Fake Boarding Pass | Birthday Present | DIY Editable Template | Instant Download via

Birthday Gift Boarding Pass

Easy to fill in the text, great design!
Dana G.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Printable Birthday Concert Ticket Gift Voucher template - Surprise Birthday Present to a Concert | Silver Glitter | Editable & Printable DIY Voucher | Last Minute Surprise Gift | Concert, Show, Performance, Band, Artist, Music Festival, Movie | Instant Download via

Birthday Concert Gift Ticket

This was perfect for what I was using it for and very easy to customize. Thanks!
Kelly C.
Astoria, New York

Printable Gag Prescription Labels for Old Age Pills Template | Funny Birthday Gag or Prank Gift or Party Favors | Over the Hill | Practical Joke | Candy Pills Medicine | Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist or Medical Gift | 40th 50th 60th 70th Birthday Gag Gift | DIY Fake Pharmacy Rx Prescription Label | 8 Dram | INSTANT DOWNLOAD via

Old Age Prescription Labels

These are amazing! Simone was great about changing a color so it matched the colors of my pharmacy organization. So easy to edit, print off, and apply. They look professionally done!
McKensie H.
Watseka, Illinois


Editable text feature
Easy to use with the free Adobe Reader
Embedded fonts
Print ready (8.5 x 11 inch and A4 paper sizes)
Clear instructions
Lightning fast delivery
Perfect for last-minute gifts
Re-usable designs (edit and print again & again)
Top notch customer service
Available worldwide
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